[1] Shuxin Yang, Quanming Du, Guixiang Zhu, Jie Cao, Weiping Qin, Youquan Wang, Zhendong Wang. Neural attentive influence maximization model in social networks via reverse influence sampling on historical behavior sequences, Expert Systems with Applications, 2024, 249: 123491. (SCI,中科院1区)
[2] 杨书新,刘天扬,黄伟东. 基于 MVBCN-FLW 的中文法律文书命名实体识别. 计算机工程与应用,2024.(EI)
[3] 杨书新,丁祺伟. 基于局部和全局特征聚合的虚假新闻检测方法. 计算机工程与应用,2024.(EI)
[4] Shuxin Yang, Quanming Du, Guixiang Zhu, Jie Cao, Lei Chen, Weiping Qin, Youquan Wang. Balanced influence maximization in social networks based on deep reinforcement learning. Neural Networks, 2023, 169: 334-351. (SCI,中科院1区)
[5] Shuxin Yang, Xiaoyang Chang, Guixiang Zhu, Jie Cao, Weiping Qin, Youquan Wang, Zhendong Wang. GAA-PPO: A novel graph adversarial attack method by incorporating proximal policy optimization. Neurocomputing, 2023, 557: 126707. (SCI,中科院2区)
[6] Yang Shuxin, Song Jianbin, Chen Yunliang, et al. Extending influence maximization by optimizing the network topology. Expert Systems With Applications, 2023, 215:119349. (SCI,中科院1区)
[7] Zhendong Wang, Jingfei Li, Zhenyu Xu, Shuxin Yang, Daojin He, Sammy Chan. Application of deep neural network with frequency domain filtering in the field of intrusion detection. International Journal of Intelligent Systems.2023. (SCI,
[8] Zhendong Wang, Jingfei Li, Shuxin Yang, Xiao Luo, Dahai Li, Soroosh Mahmoodi. A lightweight IoT intrusion detection model based on improved BERT-of-Theseus. Expert Systems With Applications. 2023. (SCI,中科院1区)
[9] Shuxin Yang, Baizhen Chen. EPCG: An elite population co-evolutionary genetic algorithm for global community deception. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Control Engineering and Artificial Intelligence, 2023: 66-71.(EI 会议, Best Poster Presentation Award) .
[10] Yang Shuxin, Tong Suxin, Zhu Guixiang, et al. MVE-FLK: A multi-task legal judgment prediction via multi-view encoder fusing legal keywords. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022, 239: 107960. (SCI,中科院1区)
[11] 杨书新,宋建缤. 基于割点的社交网络影响最大化问题. 计算机科学与探索,2022,16(06):1316-1326
[12] Guixiang Zhu, Youquan Wang, Jie Cao, Zhan Bu, Shuxin Yang,Weichao Liang, Jingting Liu. Neural attentive travel package recommendation via exploiting long-term and short-term behaviors[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2021, 211: 106511. (SCI,中科院1区)
[13] Xue Zhengfa, Yang Shuxin, Luo Yun, Guo You, et al. A 41-gene pair signature for predicting the pathological response of locally advanced rectal cancer to neoadjuvant chemoradiation. Frontiers in Medicine, 2021, 8: 744295. (SCI,中科院3区)
[14] 杨书新,梁文.基于三级邻居的复杂网络节点影响力度量方法.电子与信息学报,2020,42(5): 1140-1148. (EI)
[1] 杨书新,复杂网络的影响力计算机及应用,冶金工业出版社,2023.02
[1] 杨书新,童苏欣. 一种基于多视角编码器的法律判决预测系统及方法, ZL202110843937.5,授权.
[2] 杨书新,袁国文. 一种基于商品影响力分析的促销商品组合的求解方法,ZL201610615590.8,授权.
[3] 杨书新,谭伟,徐彬. 一种基于图形处理器并行计算的频繁子图挖掘方法,ZL201310503214.6,授权
[1] 国家自然科学基金,多实体关系共存下的社交网络影响力均衡传播研究(72261018),2022,主持
[2] 基于绿色环保的数字化智能制造,2024年,主持
[3] 智慧工地工程进度管理平台(软件开发),2023年,参与
[4] 数字乡村定制化云平台项目(软件开发),2023年,参与
[5] 数字化视觉检测上下料智能装备研发, 2022年,主持
[6] 国家自然科学基金,基于全基因组数据的致病SNP位点挖掘(61662028),2016,参与
[7] 江西省教育厅科技项目,社交网络影响力最大化模型研究(GJJ14431),2014,主持
[8] 国家自然科学基金,基于不确定数据挖掘的滑坡区域地质灾害危险性评价方法研究(41362015),2013,参与
[9] 江西省科技厅青年科学基金,基于GPU加速的图数据关键词查询技研究(20122BAB211035),2012,主持