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作者: 时间:2024-08-27 点击数:





出生年月: 1980.10

学科专业: 光学工程

电话/微信 18301027937/pengbit

E-Mail: harvardpeng@gmail.com

彭瑜博士毕业于清华大学,是东京大学联合培养博士,曾在哈佛大学担任副研究员,东京大学担任研究员。彭瑜博士在精密激光技术领域具有丰富的科研成果和科研经验,包括发明了使用一体化的单块来实现KHz级别的窄线宽精密激光,首次提出使用零折射率超材料设计激光器,这种激光器没有共振腔,颠覆了传统 的激光器模式并解决了腔不稳定的问题; 设计了谐波干涉多普勒传感器,该传感器适用于高温等极限条件,解决了以往大功率和放射性等恶劣环境下传感使用受限、精度不高的问题,彭瑜博士于 2014 年度获得中国仪器仪表学会金国藩青年奖,担任中国兵工学会定向能专委会委员。入选国家海外高层次人才(创新长期),享受国务院特殊津贴。

研究方向:  1. 机器学习

2. 光学计算机视觉

3. 量子传感芯片

3. 新型激光器设计



1. 美国能源部项目,fabricating gratings inside the fiber core”,140万,主持

2. 国家自然基金项目,基于二维非对称光子晶体的窄线宽紫外激光器的研究,24万,主持

3. 横向项目,高非线性高双折射保偏光子晶体光纤的研究,50万,主持

4. 国家自然基金重点项目,囊泡转运参与重要膜蛋白功能的调控机制, 335.8万,参与

5. 中国兵器装备研究院横向项目,大功率激光光束测量装置,3.6万,参与

6. 中央高校基本业务费,手术的窄线宽紫外激光器研制, 7万,参与

7. 中央高校基本业务费,玉兰开花热中线粒体炫(mitoflash)的可视化检测与功能研究, 15万,参与


1. A Harmonics Interferometric Doppler Sensor with a Neon LampIEEE Sensors Journal 20 (10), 5229-5236SCI

2. ZIM Laser: Zero-Index-Materials LaserIEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational TechniquesVolume 4: 133 - 1422019SCI

3. Integrated Photonics Devices Using Zero-index Metamaterials2019 Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium-Fall (PIERS-Fall), 1458EI

4. On-chip ZIM-BiC Laser2019 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO)EI

5. A novel scheme for measuring the relative phase difference between S and P polarization in an optically denser medium", Laser Phys. Lett.10 0750062013SCI

6.Simulating the Three-Dimensional Image of Cold Atomic CloudSpectroscopy and Spectral Analysis 36 (21),4130-4134,2016SCI

7.Accurate measurements of cold atomic cloud with area fitmethod,Optik 127, 7507–7513,2016SCI

8.Compact narrow-linewidth laser with low-Q monolithic cavity", Laser Phys., 23 105809 ,2013SCI

9.A novel scheme for hundred-hertz linewidth measurements with self-heterodyne method", CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 30, No. 8 084208,2013SCI

10.Achieving strong doubling power by optical phase-locked Ti:sapphire laser and MOPA system”,Chinese Optics Letters2012, 10(3):031403SCI

11. Tunable continuous ultraviolet light source based on diode laserChinese Optics Letters 2012, 10(s1):s11405SCI

12.External cavity diode laser with kilohertz linewidth by a monolithic folded FabryPerot cavity optical feedback”,Opt. Lett.Vol. 36, Issue 1, pp. 34-362011SCI

13.Two diode lasers optically locked simultaneously by orthogonalpolarizations of a monolithic confocal cavity”,Chinese Physics Letters 2011 28 (10): 104208SCI

14.Toward narrow-bandwidth diode laser-based ultraviolet light source”,Chinese Physics Letters 2011 28 (10): 104207SCI

15.A diode laser optically injected by resonance of a monolithic cavity”,Chinese Physics Letters 2011 28 (11) :114208SCI

16.Quasi synchronous tuning for grating feedback lasers”,Applied Optics Vol. 50, No. 262011SCI

17.Measurement for linewidth of an extended cavity diode laser based on monolithc cavity with delayed self-heterodyne method”, Acta Optica Sinica.(in chinese) SCI

18.Modulation Transfer Spectroscopy of Hyperfine Structure at 561nm,IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society60Issue: 7(2011) SCI

19.Three Methods to Lock the Second Harmonic Generation for 461nm, Chinese Journal of Lasers37,345-350. (2010)SCI

20.Stable Second Harmonic Generation 46 1 am Blue Radiationby PPKTP Crystal, Acta Optica Sinica.29, 2473-2478 (2009)

21.Modulation Transfer Spectroscopy of Hyperfine Structure at 561 nmIEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society 2011  60 Issue: 7SCI

22.Atmospheric pressure sensitivity of the ultrastable monolithic nonplanar ring lasers, CPEM 188, 2008EI


1.一种基于新颖性滤波的激光雷达跟踪技术(发明): 中国

2.一种使用二维光子晶体参量下转换产生压缩光的新颖装置(发明): 中国

3.一种大功率光谱合成装置(发明): 中国CN201410650718.5

4.一种基于掠衍射光栅的大功率光谱合成装置(发明): 中国CN201410650714.7

5.一种基于透射型光栅的大功率光谱合成装置(发明): 中国CN201410650711.3

6.一种基于透射型光栅的大功率光隔离器装置(发明): 中国CN201410650712.8

7.一种基于掠衍射光栅的大功率光隔离器装置(发明): 中国CN201410650716.6

8.一种大功率光隔离器装置(发明): 中国CN201410650720.2

9.一种位置可调的分立平面环形F-P腔(发明): 中国CN103744175A

10.一种用于介质内测量薄膜厚度和折射率的装置(发明): 中国CN201310537707.1_

11.一种外腔半导体激光器(发明): 中国,CN 102025107 A

12.一种光栅外腔半导体激光器和法布里-珀罗腔(发明): 中国,CN 101930117 A

13.光栅外腔半导体激光器(发明): 中国,CN 102025107 A

14.一种窄线宽激光器(发明): 中国,CN 102025102 A





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